Monday, January 25, 2010

Come tweet with me

MY version of

Things that I think about, am I the only one that thinks like this
1) If u cant help watchin TV recognize acting from real already know that movies is acting, N those half hour comedy show are acting, acting is stirs up emotions within us and presents images of how one should live there life. Infomercials when u are watching there are 2 tricks, 1 is to close ur eyes n focus on what the voice is saying you will hear that everyone is trying to sell something and your mind is processing all this information and there is no peace because everyone is competing to win you mind, in hopes that you will buy their product, your mind has no time to stop and think for itself unless the TV's are silent, the internet is silence, the phones are silent and we are surrounded by real life (reality). I dont need anyone selling me anything to make me prettier or richer, or bigger, or thinner, or less gassy, or my colon cleanser my mind works very well thanks and I can make my own decisions and I dont need any help or persuading. Any how for Infomercials if there mouth or not moving on cue with the words, its junk, they are bad actors, who rehearsed a script but did not master the art forming the words on cue. (Its like watching a foreign film and the have an English translator, their mouth are moving but the words does not match). Please wake up and be a leader not a follower people, make you own decision against movies and infomercials on the TV internet and cell phones..

Average number of food advertisements per hour in 13 OECD countries

Food companies spend millions of dollars on marketing and advertising. The following table shows the increased annual expenditure on advertising in the last 20 years.


$6 million

$78–83 million
$5 million

$52–57 million
Pizza Hut
$3.7 million

Effem Foods (Mars)
$40–45 million
$3.2 million

Cadbury Schweppes
$35–40 million

2) why dont you master the art of being alone then you would be satisfied with yourself enough to not feel alone anymore

3) if you are happy you are grateful for whatever you have but if your are unhappy you are never satisfied

4) we buy into things on a daily without research or actually getting the facts for ourselves..sad

5) people are suffering because we as a nation are divided, divided we fall, but united we stand..get out of the system mind set (of being controlled) and think for yourself, we need to unite one person at a time, I’m starting with you

6) Imagine if we were all entrepreneur’s who did what we felt was right instead of letting other people make that decision for us

7) you do realize that nothing we read is a fact as we ourselves cannot prove it, so we should not feed into it right? :-), The only facts we know are that we live and we die, its been proven over and over again everything else is a myth.

8) my mind is free from buying into credit scores because my life is a gift and will not be given a number/score by a stranger that does not know me

9) Despite what you have done to me, I love you anyways, I understand that we live in an awful world and you’re not perfect :-)

10) Did you know that the tongue has the power of life and death, and you either speak life into someone or assist in killing them? Spread love, stop war!

11) Silly test and horoscopes, @BeautyFollowno How can a test tell me things about my own mother, I know her best..not some silly made up test by someone who has never met her in their life. Mind over matter. Who know’s you better than you J

Debt Solution worked for me and it’s

Solving debt, don't open letters or answer the phone and let them ruin your happiness or your day, night etc.., if you dont have the money, then it doesn’t matter if you answer or not, if you read the letter or not, control your debt, don't let it control you. Matter of fact, answer the phone if you know you have $ and you feel like you want to give it to them, or when you are ready you can give them a call. Think about it, if we acknowledge debt on our time and not theirs, will they take us all to court, will they ruin all our credits, will they keep calling us knowing that we won't answer, will they write letters in vain knowing we won’t open them until we feel like it, will they withhold loans from all of us. Debt...a figment of our imagination...It will not trap me..I am debt free :-). If I have the money I will pass it along to the debt collectors, money is paper so I would rather have a piece of bread in my hand than money, but if I don’t have the money, then thanks for calling and writing me (I feel really special that you took time out of your day for me J), please leave me a message and I will get back to you…hahahahahaha. I am too busy enjoying life debt will always be there, but your life won’t.

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